While you’re busy writing your 2018 resolutions or working off those holiday pounds, the start of a new year is also a great opportunity to focus on your pet’s health and wellbeing. When we launched our pet blog in 2014, our goal was to provide top-notch information regarding all things pets.

Whether the topic is something health related, such as pet dental care, or something fun like exploring the great outdoors with your best friend, we hope you’re looking forward to another great year of pet health and wellness blogging!

Now, on to the blogs!

Volunteer Veterinary Hospital’s Top Five Pet Blogs of 2017

  1. Pet Skin Problems and You – It is probably the most common reason for pets to come visit us, and it isn’t what you might think. Pet skin problems top the list of reasons that people make appointments for their furry family members here at Volunteer Veterinary Hospital. Read on to learn all you ever wanted to know about this problem in pets. Read More…
  2. Knowledge Is Power: Understanding Canine Parvovirus – Canine parvovirus is considered a core vaccination for dogs, and you have probably heard it mentioned briefly during a pet’s wellness appointment. Some of us know a bit about the disease, or may even know someone who has lost a puppy or adult dog to canine parvovirus. Read More…
  3. Canine Flu: Outbreaks and Updates – Canine Flu Has Reached Knoxville! Dog Flu Outbreak Has Owners On Edge! These are headlines you may have read, seen on social media, or heard about on your nightly news program. And it’s true: canine influenza virus has been spreading throughout the United States since its arrival in 2015. Indeed, it is in Knoxville, along with other parts of the South. Read More…
  4. Understanding Urinary Tract Infections in Pets – If your pet is urinating frequently, straining to urinate, or having accidents, there are many possible culprits. At Volunteer Veterinary Hospital, the most frequent reason we find for these symptoms is a urinary tract infection. Urinary tract infections in pets are a common (and painful) problem that is very important to treat right away. Read More…
  5. The Scoop on Why Dogs Eat Poop – Every dog owner knows their beloved pet sometimes engages in rather distasteful acts – licking themselves at inappropriate times, rummaging through the trash for tasty morsels, investigating dead things, and, arguably the grossest canine behavior: poop eating. Read More…

Did you find your favorite among these five? Are there any interesting topics you’d love for us to explore in a future post? We’re always looking for your input, so please give us a call!

In 2018, we wish for you and your pet exceptional health and abundance. While you’re making those resolutions, we also encourage you to put preventive health at the top of the list to give your pet the best possible life.

From the team at Volunteer Veterinary Hospital, we hope you have a very happy 2018!