Understanding and Preventing Pet Heat Diseases

Keeping your dog hydrated during the heat will help with pet heat diseases that often happen in the summer. It’s hot, it’s sticky, and all you want to do is hide inside with the air conditioning or jump into an ice cold pool. Summer in Tennessee is not for the faint of heart, and if humans are feeling the effects of extreme heat, you can be sure our pets are also experiencing it. Because of the differences in the way our pets’ bodies handle the hot weather, they’re at greater risk for certain heat-related ailments; keeping an eye on them during the hottest part of the year is essential.

Let’s take a moment to learn more about pet heat diseases, including how to prevent and recognize them.

Heat Stroke

Heat stroke is defined as a life-threatening elevation in body temperature, and it’s the most dangerous of all pet heat diseases. Heat stroke usually occurs in warm weather, and it can lead to multiple organ failure and death if left untreated. Signs your pet may be experiencing heat stroke or heat exhaustion include: Continue…