It’s Always Time to Play With Your Dog!

dog high-fiving

There has never been a better time to play with your dog. You are both home, and frankly, could use a little fun and exercise. Chances are, a little backyard time may be just the diversion to help with your physical and mental health. Let us help with our top 10 games to play together. Enjoy!

The Benefits of Exercise for Dogs

Whether you have a working breed or a content lap dog, they should ideally get between 30-60 minutes of exercise every single day. While it helps if exercise times are part of a strictly followed routine, if you spontaneously decide to embark on a new activity together, you can rest assured knowing you’re doing the right thing for your dog’s health.


Start Scratching! Recognizing Seasonal Allergies in Pets

cat scratching itself

Has your pet been unusually itchy lately, pawing on their face or constantly scratching? They may be dealing with allergies. While many of us deal with the usual spring sneeze-fest, seasonal allergies in pets may manifest in ways that pet owners may not assign to allergies. 

Let’s take a closer look at pet allergies, their symptoms, and how we can work together to relieve the discomfort for your fur friend.

Seasonal Allergies in Pets

Seasonal allergies are also called environmental allergies, atopy, and airborne allergies. An allergy is an overreaction to an allergen, which can include those that are present in the air or environment. 


March Is Pet Poison Prevention Awareness Month: Are Your Pets Safe? 

cat next to flower pot

The world is chock full of things our pets can get into. From human food to houseplants, the list of fascinating things your pet will want to chomp on is endless.

Most things may not be that harmful, but certain substances and items around the home can cause a pet emergency. Since we cannot rid the world of these things that are potentially poisonous, we can create greater awareness.

To observe national Poison Prevention Awareness Month, your team at Volunteer Veterinary Hospital is here with some tips on how to better protect your cherished friend.


What the Hack! What Causes Hairballs in Cats?

cat coughs hairball

The sound is unmistakable. You are in the kitchen and look over to see your cat crouching and backing up, and then that sound! You know the one. The hacking you hear usually is followed up by saliva, vomit, and much to your dismay, a giant gob of fur. Yuck, right?

Hairballs in cats are a common problem among felines (and their owners who have to clean up the mess). But what causes these yucky balls of fur, and why are some cats more prone to them? The team at Volunteer Veterinary Hospital is here to explain.

What Is a Hairball?

Cats self-groom, which means that they ingest hair and debris on the coat. This fur normally passes through the digestive system without any problems, but over time, some hair gathers in the GI tract. 


Winter Indoor Pet Activities: Let The Games Begin! 

dog indoors

Winter has definitely made its presence known, and if you’re like us, the “Big BRRR” is keeping us inside more than we would like. Still, sometimes indoor time in the winter can be a nice chance to slow down and reconnect with what’s most important – namely, our pets! 

If you’re searching for ways to engage with your pets this season, look no further. Volunteer Veterinary Hospital knows that a little inspiration is always good, so we’re diving into the best winter indoor pet activities. 


Holiday Pet Safety Made Simple

dog with antler costume

The winter months already seem to be in full swing as we prepare for the big holiday season. Shopping for gifts, visiting family and friends, and preparing for those big traditional feasts define this time of year. But do you have your pet’s safety on the to-do list of priorities?

Holidays send many pets to animal emergency hospitals for a variety of reasons. Ingesting a toxic treat or a bite of mistletoe or escaping out of an open gate are some of the many risks to our pets. The team at Volunteer Veterinary Hospital want you and your furry one to have the most amazing season ever, and that includes holiday pet safety.


Let’s Talk Turkey: Thanksgiving Pet Safety

dog licking lips at dinner table

Thanksgiving is fast approaching, a fact that has most Americans jumping for joy. Between the turkey, stuffing, casseroles, and desserts, there’s something on the Thanksgiving table for everyone. But wait – does that include our pets? 

Most of us have a hard time resisting those puppy dog eyes, but there are some things you should know about Thanksgiving. When it comes to Thanksgiving pet safety, we aren’t just talking turkey. 

Keep reading to find out about some of the common holiday pet disasters that can land you in the emergency animal clinic this year, as well as ways to keep your pets safe on Thanksgiving and beyond. 


No Chocolate for You! Halloween Pet Safety Tips From the Pros

dog in halloween costume

Halloween marks the beginning of the holiday season, and kids and adults alike look forward to this fun time of year. After all, what could be better than costumes, pumpkins, and of course – candy? 

For our pets, this beloved fall holiday can be fraught with danger. Here at Volunteer Veterinary Hospital, we see cases of pet poisonings, missing pets, and other emergency situations every year around this time. Preventing dangerous situations for your pet means being aware of the many ways they can get into trouble, and we are here to help! Check out our Halloween pet safety tips for a healthier, safer, and less scary holiday for your furry loved ones.


Help! How To Get Your Newly Adopted Pet to Behave

hyper dog in knoxville tn

In your experience, are great dogs born, or made? In our experience, the latter is true – especially if your best furry friend has been adopted from a shelter or rescue group. If this is the case, we couldn’t be more supportive. Shelter pets are wonderful, loving animals and in most cases with a little TLC, can become lifelong cherished companions. 

But a rehomed pet will likely have at least one behavioral “uniqueness” that may need to be addressed with behavior modification, training, or both. 

Come along as Volunteer Veterinary Hospital explores how to get your newly adopted pet started off on the right foot. 


A Spoonful of Sugar? Tricks for Giving Your Pet Medications

Pug being fed a treat

When it comes to taking care of your pet, it is definitely a team effort. Of course, you get the best possible care from the staff at Volunteer Veterinary Hospital, but many times treatments extend beyond the walls of our location. 

When you are instructed to monitor or treat your pet, it is often imperative to your pet’s well-being that you follow our directions. This can be easier said than done, though, especially for pets who hate taking their pills. 

Not to worry! When it comes to giving your pet medications, we have all the tricks.
